

R是Revenue的缩写,意思就是“营业额”、“营业收入”的意思; 比如说一个公司今年第一季度营业利润是20万(200,000),那他第一季度的营收就是50万元(500,000);如果他是连续几个季度(比如一季度,二季度和三季度)的营业利润如下表: 一季度 二季度 三季度 20万(200,000) 30万(300,000) 40万(400,000) 40万(400,000) 60万(600,000) 80万(800,000) 那么该公司这九个月来的总营收额为190万元的。这个数值就叫做该公司的“营运收入指标”(Operating Revenue Indicator简称ORI),其计算公式如上式所示: ORI=Q1+Q2+Q3+.....Qn Q代表每个季度的营业利润值, n是该公司持续经营的时间长度,即公司成立以来的年头数;当n越大时,ORI就越能体现该公司运营能力的好坏高低了。

一般来说衡量一家公司是否盈利比较常用的几个指标是Earnings Per Share, 每股收益;Net Profit Margin 净利润率;Book Value per share,账面价值/股;Gross Profit margin毛利润率和Return on Equity 权益回报率 Return on equity (ROE) is a measure of the amount of profit that a company generates with the money shareholders have invested in the business. ROE measures profitability by calculating how much net income has been generated as a percentage of shareholders' equity. For example, if a company earns $8 for each dollar of shareholder capital it employs, then its return on equity would be 8 percent ($8 divided by $10 equals an 80-percent ROE). The higher the ROE indicates to potential investors what proportion of their investment is being earned back, and therefore how profitable the firm is relative to other companies within the same line of work. A low ROE, on the other hand, suggests that a firm may not be earning profits from its investments or perhaps that there are other opportunities available beyond those already exploited by management (e.g. new products, acquisitions等). Therefore, analysts often evaluate earnings growth and the ability to generate additional cash flow over time when comparing one firm against others in the industry. In addition, the comparison between current ROE and historical figures can indicate whether changes in stock prices reflect changes in fundamental value rather than market sentiment at any given point in time.


就是代表该股是REITs概念的,你问的是这个意思吗? 那我就再补充一点吧…… 这个指数是56个房地产基金构成的集合(这些房产投资基金都是REIT) 所以如果这个指数涨得很好的话(比如涨了10%以上),你可以看一下哪些房地产基金涨得好一些。 然后也可以买一下这些基金的ETF。 ETF代码如下: SPDR FTSE NAREIT U.S. Real Estate Trust (SPYU); 还有别的,可以搜一下,自己找一找看。 我目前还不太熟悉这个指数,暂时没怎么研究过相关的产品
