在2018年第三季度之前,我几乎不知道Palm Oil, 更不知它如此重要. 我是在做分析时才发现它的存在,然后才了解它对全球气候和生态的影响之大。这使我非常震惊!因此我在2018年第4季就开始关注并买入Palm Oil的期货合约了(当时是马来西亚毛棕榈油)。我的买入价大约是300美分/磅, 卖出价约479美分/磅。因为价格太高所以我没有再买进,直到最近又跌下来,我才又开始慢慢买进。 在过去的一年多里,由于新冠疫情在全球流行,原油需求骤降,而棕榈油作为生物柴油的重要原料之一,受到世界各国的青睐,棕榈油价一路飙升创下新高。今年夏天(美国时间6月)曾达到过765美元/吨的峰值记录。但最近开始回落。
现在棕榈油价大约为710-720美元/吨. 目前,我持有的总头寸约为38%. 这只是一次性投资,没有计划长期持有或增加头寸比例的计划, 因为我对棕榈油的供需情况并不完全了解。 下面是我对这只股票的看法:
A. Palm oil is an important commodity which is used in many products ranging from foods to soaps and even biofuels, especially the latter due to rising fuel prices worldwide because of Covid-19 pandemic (in fact it has become a political issue now with countries banning palm oil imports as their domestic production cannot meet needs for this reason alone! ) So its price may continue its upward trend if global economy picks up steam after covid-19 subsides or gets under control. There are other factors contributing to such high demand at present but I will not talk about them here – they might be speculative too. But one thing that we can say definitely based on past history data is: when PALM reaches $700+ per tonne level then you should start thinking again, whether your position size is enough? Should you increase it? Or sell some part out before there come more opportunities later down road... You never know what happens next! If it goes higher than expected i.e beyond $800 per tonne threshold maybe you have no choice but wait until lower levels appear first before starting buying again; otherwise risk exposure could turn ugly easily unless you're trading leveraged CME contracts where leverage magnifies gains & losses by times multiples depending upon position size etc… These things need careful consideration! Remember also that these commodities tend to go both ways sometimes suddenly without any warning signals ahead, leaving people scratching heads wondering how did that happen? What was wrong w/their analysis? That is why I always advise traders keep close tabs constantly tracking market movements daily weekly monthly month over month year over year periodically taking note anything unusual happening along way through which might offer clues into future trends direction possibly coming very soon near term horizon perhaps